Daily Times-Advocate from Escondido, California (2024)

I Ceiling Red message on debt in Senate kept secret WASHINGTON (AP) A national debt ceiling bill that scraped through the House by the narrowest possible margin is headed for a Senate that may try to turn it into a vehicle for massive tax cuts and reforms. The bill to increase the Treasury's borrowing authority by $19.3 billion, to a total of $495 billion, was put to a House roll call Thursday that ended 191 to 190. Speaker Carl Albert, who votes only when the House is deadlocked, cast the deciding ballot. It was the first time since 1957 a speaker had cast, from his presiding chair, a straight tiebreaking vote. Twice since then speakers have voted in special situations requiring two-thirds.

Votes on the debt ceiling often are taken as referenda on the incumbent administration's economic policies, and Democrats were quick to point out that Republicans Thursday voted 93 to 75 against the increase, while Democrats voted 116 to 97 for it. Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D- of the Ways and Means Committee that handled the bill, said the close vote showed widespread unhappiness with Nixon's handling of the economy. He had argued that the House had no choice but to pass the bill, reduced by his committee from a $505 billion administration request. Unless it is finally enacted by June 30, the debt ceiling will drop about $75 billion below the actual debt.

In the Senate, advocates of tax cuts and tax reform have been waiting for an opportunity to attach their proposals to a House-passed bill. A minor tariff bill had been picked for the vehicle, but Senate sources said it now is likely the debt ceiling bill, on which Congress must act, will be used instead. Likely to be offered as amendments are a proposal to slash taxes by raising the personal exemption from $750 to $825, or, alternatively, allowing taxpayers a $190 credit; to make special payments up to $400 a year to the working poor; and to close a variety of alleged loopholes. The House committee, working on its own version of tax reform, is not bound to accept any of these, so the debt ceiling bill may be in dispute until close to its deadline. Auto owners' meeting slated ESCONDIDO The next monthly meeting of the Studebaker Owners of America, San Diego County chapter, will be at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday in the Blue Room of the Royal Inn, 2500 S. Escondido according to John B. McDivitt, president. The meeting is open to the public. Carpet stolen from new home ESCONDIDO Carpeting valued at $4,125 has been reported taken from a home under construction on Sage Hill Way, Escondido.

Owners of the home said 275 square feet of carpeting was removed from rooms in the home. Births Palomar Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smerud of 149 Leslie Lane, Escondido, an 8-pound, son born at 8:09 a.m. May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Riggs of 1355 E. El Norte Parkway, Escondido, an 8-pound, ounce daughter born at 1:01 p.m. May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cootware of 652 Le Ora Lane, Escondido, a a a a 7-pound, ounce daughter born at 2:40 p.m. May 23. Mr.

and Mrs. William Baker of 648 E. 17th Escondido, a 6-pound, 6-ounce daughter born at 6:25 p.m. May 23. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernie McKinley of 1564 N. Twin Oaks, San Marcos, a 6-pound, son born at 7:15 p.m. May 23. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Keyser of 1129 Ramona, an 8- pound, 3-ounce son born at 9:45 p.m. May 23. Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Dow of 3109 Dye Road, Ramona, an 8- pound, son born at 2:49 a.m. May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nagtalon of 1125 N.

Broadway, Escondido, a 6-pound, 15-ounce daughter born at 4:37 May 24. I Planned growth advocated Cont. From Page B-1 other centers would." He said he would favor extending it to Oceanside and Escondido where the large population centers are. Barron said he felt planned growth is necessary to prevent "more Mira Mesas." Problems occurred in Mira Mesa when the population grew to 24,000 people before schools, roads, shopping centers and churches were built. The same thing could occur in other parts of the county if long-range planning isn't done, Barron said.

Mira Mesa is part of the city of San Diego. ESCONDIDO, MAY 24. 1974 B-9 DAILY TIMES-ADVOCATE, Race for governor heats up By DOUG WILLIS Associated Press Writer Bob Moretti ambushed Edmund G. Brown Jr. in front of a battery of television cameras for a fierce no-rules debate which another Democratic candidate for governor rebuked as unseemly.

And in the Republican race for governor, Ed Reinecke campaigned hard on a law and order theme, while Houston Flournoy softed steered his frontrunning campaign on a course far away from conflict and controversy. With voting just 11 days away, the Democratic campaign for governor heated up dramatically. But the Republican race continued to cool as Flournoy carefully protected his newly won lead and Reinecke's financially starved campaign only sputtered. Two otherwise routine press conferences Thursday provided the ingredients for the most explosive and dramatic event of the long 1974 Democratic campaign for governor. The result was a loud and sometimes rude 45-minute debate and name-calling contest between Brown and Moretti, the two leading candidates in the Democratic primary.

San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto, who has been calling repeatedly for three-way debates with Brown and Moretti, criticized the Brown-Moretti confrontation as "unseemly and so much adolescence. I weep for the Democratic party for such unseemly conduct." It started when Moretti, the Assembly speaker, reserved a press conference room in the state Capitol for a conference in which he criticized the frontrunning Brown for backing out of a June 2 televised debate in Stockton with Alioto and Moretti. Secretary of State Brown had reserved the same room for one-half hour later for a press conference on lobbyist spending. When a reporter asked Moretti why he didn't wait and take the debate issue up with Brown in person, Moretti quickly seized the opportunity. He was waiting on the platform in front of 30 reporters and five television cameras when Brown entered 10 minutes later.

After an initial refusal, Obituary Notices Maybelle Knowles ESCONDIDO Maybelle S. Knowles, 77, of PO Box 395, died Thursday in a local convalescent home. Born July 23, 1896, in Gloucester, she had lived 26 years in the local area. Survivors include daughters Clair M. Houghtelin and Mrs.

Henry P. Fogerty of Escondido, and five grandchildren. A service will be at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Escondido First Methodist Church, with Rev. David McKithen officiating.

Burial will follow in Oak Hill Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, the family has suggested that those who care to do so may donate to their favorite church or charity. Arrangements are by the Alhiser-Wilson Mortuary. Stephen P. Hoxie FALLBROOK Stephen P.

Hoxie, 69, of Star Route, Box 32, Bonsall, president of the Fallbrook Union High School District board of trustees, died Thursday at home. Born Feb. 25, 1905, in Utica, N.Y., he had lived in California since 1921, and in the North County since 1933. He was a 1927 graduate of Stanford University, in political science. From 1933 to 1942 he owned and operated a ranch in the Gopher Canyon area; from 1942-46 he served as a Naval air officer, including duty as assistant operations officer to the commander of the Naval Air Base of the 11th Naval District.

Before his election to the Fallbrook high school board in 1961, he served as trustee and president of the Bonsall Union School District governing board. He had served as president of the Fallbrook high school board since 1965. Survivors include his wife, Kay; sons Henry of Fallbrook and Stephen Jr. of Vista: a daughter, Judy of Vista; a brother, Henry of Ridgecrest, and a sister, Dorothy Renwick of San Marino. Private family services will be at the Allen Brothers Mortuary, Vista.

In lieu of flowers, the family has suggested that donations may be made to the Stephen P. Hoxie Scholarship Fund at Fallbrook High School. Hospital Notes Notes Beach and Glenn Falk of Santa Ysabel. DISCHARGED Escondido: Phillip Meza, David Lewis, Josephine Tschabold, Florence Hobson, Travis Viseth, Neil Roberts, Robert Wickline, Russ Canalez, David Stevens, John Daugherty, Mary Whiteside, Louise Colia, Delores Roby, Orlando Apocada, Joseph Ovies, Brandy Nelson, Debra Ainsworth, Linda McClusky, Miriam Khan, Minnie Tamayon Pete Schmetgen, Mary Schmidt, Brian Cates, Gregory Griffith, Ralph Garcia, Shannon Collins, William Joyce and Clara Bengston. San Diego: Belva Berryhill and Virginia Krause.

Poway: Gilbert Yorba and Judith McCage. Also Maria Jimenez of Ramona, Betty Privitt of Julian, Linda Murillo Vista and Michael Haas of San Marcos. Sacramento Scene By Associated Press A Summary of Major Action Thursday, May 23 THE GOVERNOR Urged voters to approve Prop. 1. a $250 million bond measure to improve state and local parks.

THE ASSEMBLY Bills Passed Bonds Would make revenue bonds for school financing tax exempt in a move to make them a more attractive form of financing for districts; AB 3638: 73-0: Greene. D-Sacramento: Senate. Sylmar Would provide $1.036 million for the state's payment of its share of a damage settlement about $10 million stemming from the Sylmar Tunnel disaster that claimed 17 lives: SB 2173: 73-0; Moscone. San Francisco: to governor. Rapid Transit Would relocate the northern boundary of the Southern California Rapid Transit District to a line approximating the range of the Santa Susanna Mountains: AB 3552: 66-0: Cline.

R-Canoga Park: to Senate. make it Temperature Would unlawful for person to hold or display potentially hazardous refrigerated food Palomar Memorial Hospital Visiting: 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Restricted to family ADMITTED Escondido: George Mallory, Nancy Riggs, Farrell Smith, Donna Cootware, Bertha Ruegamer, Darrell Anger, Gina Asbury, Mary Wheeler, Teresa Molina, Delle Lambert, Alexander Sinclair, Elizabeth Boco*ck, Maria Cardoza, Wilma Milligan, Dale Reeves, Ernestine Williams, Martha Baker, Melissa Sevier, Joyce Shiery, Betty Nagtalon, Carolyn VanSickle and William Hill. San Marcos: Angela Mason, Helen Mendez and Barbara McKinley.

Poway: Susan Bennett, Orlando Selph and Kenneth Murphy. Ramona: Sharon Keyser and Lynn Dow. San Diego: Mary Barrett, Pat Patterson, Nory Kravita and Madeline Levay. Also Bessie Dunham of Long at any temperature above 45 degrees rather than the present 50 degrees: AB 4042. 73-0: Waxman, D-Los Angeles: to Senate.

Bilingual -Would appropriate $15 million for bilingual education programs: AB 2717: 69-0: Chacon, D-San Diego: to Senate. Bill Killed Discrimination Would make every person licensed under the Business and Professions Code subject to disciplinary action if. because of race. color, sex, religion, ancestry or national origin. he refuses to perform his licensed activity: AB 1774: 32-34: Dixon.

D-Los Angeles: needed 41 votes to win concurrence in Senate amendments. Resolution Passed Rape Would request local law enforcement agencies to place policewomen in positions that will enable them to respond to cases of reported rape: ACR 219: voice vote approval: Sieroty, D- Hills. Constitutional Amendment Introduced Reapportionment Would create a new statewide reapportionment commission: ACA 115: Bond, R-Long Beach. THE SENATE No major action. potentially hazardous refrigerated No major action.

HELLER FORD ANNOUNCES WASHINGTON (UPI) President Nixon got a personal message Thursday from St Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev, but the White House is keeping the contents secret -indicating a possible connection with the summit conference planned in Moscow later next month. Brezhnev's message was delivered by B.N. Ponomarov, head of an eight-member delegation of Soviet parliamentarians who spent 45 minutes talking with the President in his Oval Office. Also present at the meeting was Anatoly F.

Dobrynin, the Soviet ambassador to the United States. Presidential Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Ponomarov gave the message to Nixon at a separate 20-minute session alone with the President, but Ziegler declined to give any clue to the contents on grounds that the message was "personal and private." Nixon is said to be planning to go to Moscow about June 21st to begin his third round of summit talks with Brezhnev in as many years, but the White House has not provided any firm information about the trip yet, and Nixon has been urged by some members of Congress to put off the visit until the impeachment proceedings are completed. Deputy Press Secretary Gerald L. Warren, speaking to reporters while Nixon and the Russians were conferring Thursday, said he saw no reason to think the President would be in a weak negotiating position if he meets Brezhnev while the House impeachment proceedings are still under way.

For one thing, he said, members of Congress still are giving Nixon "strong bipartisan support for his foreign policy and peace making efforts." Before greeting the Russian parlimentarians, Nixon had breakfast with chairman Russell Long, of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Wallace Bennett of Utah, the panel's ranking Republican, in an effort to push for early Senate approval of trade reform legislation that would give the Soviet Union preferential trade status. A third part of Barron's platform is more localized government. He said he is in favor of allowing areas to incorporate that have the desires, means, money and "community Barron is a graduate of Washington and Jefferson College and the University of San Diego School of Law. His wife, Cathi, recently gave birth to a daughter.

Return to country living. Come to VALLECITOS. Vallecitos, the beautiful master planned, residential suburb of the peaceful community of San Marcos, bordering Escondido. Select from a choice of 3 and 4 bedroom family-oriented homes with exciting features including loads of thick shag carpeting, dramatic exposed wood ceilings and rich draperies. From $33,990.

FHA, VA and Excellent Conventional Financing 7.75 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 8.25 OCEANSIDE NOT TO EXACT SCALE SAN MARCOS MODELS PACIFIC ESCONDIDO OCEAN SAN DIEGO In the country community of San Marcos THE VALLECITOS PARK In North San Diego County! COMMUNITY! Open daily 10 am to dusk. Telephone (714) 747-3711 LICENSE NO. 7578 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS IN OUR ESCONDIDO STORE Must Vacate Escondido Store IMMEDIATELY! Never before- -never again! Get the quality Cesar Romero CLOSEOUT PRICES! THOUSANDS OF SUITS, SPORT COATS SLACKS Pure Wools, Double Knits, Woven Polyesters REGARDLESS OF PREVIOUS PRICES NONE HIGHER THAN THESE PRICES: SUITS SPORT COATS SLACKS $39 $29 $490 $49 $59 $39 $49 $8.90 $12.90 Suits Sport Coats: 37-52 in Regs, 39-52 in Longs, 36-44 in Shorts. Slacks: 28-50 MENS FURNISHINGS SACRIFICED NO ALTERATIONS DURING THIS SALE ALL SALES FINAL NO C.O.D.'S Cash and Carry or BankAmericard or Master Charge 140 E. GRAND AVE.

ESCONDIDO 743-5330 At these sale prices all merchandise is subject to prior sale. it's first come, first served. Open daily 10 to 6. Friday nights 'til 9. Sundays 11 to 5 Cesar Comers Fit.

Don't settle for "just clothes" Get the Cesar Romero look. A HUGE $1,500,000 FORD FACTORY OFFICIAL Inventory Reduction SALLE on every new Ford Car Truck in Stock at the OLD LOW PRICES Here is your opportunity to SAVE! Complete Selection PINTOS MAVERICKS LTDS. MUSTANGS TORINOS COURIERS TRUCKS Hurry while they last! PINTO 185109 2 DOOR $2596 Delivered in Escondido Plus Tax License SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE We beat LA and San Diego PRICES AND TERMS SE HABLA ESPANOL ESCONDIDO 400 West Grand 745-3361 VISTA 460 Vista Way 726-1880 HELLER FORD.

Daily Times-Advocate from Escondido, California (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.