Dungeons Of Hinterberg: Mushroom Isles Walkthrough (2024)

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  • How To Unlock The Mushroom Isles Dungeon

  • Mushroom Isles Puzzles

Not every dungeon in Dungeons Of Hinterberg is easily accessible, but each can be found and explored at your leisure. Every dungeon is different and utilizes the region's magic to create unique puzzles and challenges for you to solve. However, some of these puzzles require multiple steps and outside interference from the people of Hinterberg.


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Finding the Mushroom Isles dungeon requires a bit of patience and searching in the Hinterwald. Thankfully, we've broken it down for you so that you can reach this dungeon quickly and complete it. You'll be well on your way to completing every dungeon in Hinterberg!

How To Unlock The Mushroom Isles Dungeon

To unlock the Mushroom Isles dungeon in the Hinterwald, you must first meet with the dog in town. You can find the dog by Hannah's shop, but he's a shy one. To get close, you'll need to start the A Furry Pal quest and find wild strawberries in the Hinterwald.

Where To Find Strawberries In Hinterwald

Dungeons Of Hinterberg: Mushroom Isles Walkthrough (2)

Thankfully, strawberries aren't hard to find. You'll need to go near the Ancient Tree dungeon and circle around the hidden path behind it using your Whirlwind. Follow this path to find the strawberries, then return to Hinterberg and feed them to the dog.

Make sure you've unlocked the first friendship reward with the dog before you continue!

The next time you're in Hinterwald, make your way up the wooden stairs towards the windmill, then take the path to the right to continue along until you reach the Mushroom Isles in the Mushroom Glade. Speak with the dog there and they'll help you dig up the entrance.

Mushroom Isles Puzzles

When you enter the dungeon, use your Whirlwind to cross the toxic waters. Hop across the rotating platforms and use your ranged magic to launch an exploding pod at the eye holding the bridge in place. Cross the bridge and follow the path to a big horn in a clearing. Step up and blow the horn to clean the water.

You can go back to the previous area and retrieve any loot since the water there is clean, too!

You can now cross the water and climb the ladder to your right, leading to a zipline that will take you to the main mushroom island.

How To Clean The Water On The Right

From the main island, take the zipline on the right to reach another isle. You'll need to use your Whirlwind to carry Luisa across the toxic waters and onto the solid ground across from the chest.

Go left and climb along the ruins of a fortress until you reach an exploding pod plant. Pick one up and launch it at the watchful eye, then cross over the bridge and use Whirlwind to pass over the water and brambles. Launch another pod at a nearby eye, then backtrack and progress to the new area.

There, you'll mount a large rotating platform. Prepare for a daunting battle, as many enemies will appear.

Careful not to fall off the platform while exploring!

Once the battle is done, carefully jump across the smaller rotating platforms, using Whirlwind as needed, to cross each one in a timely fashion.

Use an exploding pod to blast through the last blockade and blow the horn. The water in the area is now clear and safe to walk through. Feel free to collect any treasures here before returning to the main island by climbing the tower ladder and ziplining across.

How To Clean The Water On The Left

Take the zipline on the left from the main island to reach a smaller isle. Use Whirlwind to cross the toxic water and follow the path. Prepare for battle, as you'll face several waves of enemies once you encounter the rotating platforms in the ground.

Thankfully, right after that, you'll find the horn. Interact with it to clean the water. You'll have fully purified all the water in the dungeon, allowing you to finally reach the exit.

Climb the tower ladder and zipline back to the main isle. Head to the main mushroom and circle your way around it. Leap into the pools of clean water and use the exploding pods to make your way to the top. Cross over brambles with Whirlwind, and slay any enemies that dare cross you once you reach the final bridge.

Cross the last bridge and get your book stamped so you can leave the dungeon and head back to Hinterberg for your next adventure!


Dungeons Of Hinterberg: Giant Cavern Walkthrough

The Giant Cavern in Dungeons of Hinterberg has some puzzles that can take you a minute. Check out our guide for a few tips on the area.

Dungeons Of Hinterberg: Mushroom Isles Walkthrough (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.