Harry Potter Characters X Reader - Ginny x male reader (2025)


Who am I?.. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm a human. Or.. I'm half-human. My mother is a pure-blooded witch, my father is... a Dementor. There's one thing that the entire world knows... something unholy happened 16 years ago, most think it was Voldemort killing the Potters. If you looked at my outward appearance, you would think I'm just a normal human. The only clue giving my other half away is the aura that I have. It's something I've always had, you can tell when I enter a room. Most people are scared of me because of this aura, it's not something people can control either.. they're just subconsciously scared.

I was born and raised as a pureblood wizard, my father's identity being kept a secret. Although he comes to visit me once a year, it isn't as bad as you would think. Because I'm half-Dementor, Dementors don't target me; they think I'm one of their own. But there are some bad things because I'm part Dementor, one of them is that I feel better when others are depressed or sad. Another is that spells that would affect a Dementor also affect me, although only half as much. So I'm especially prone to the Patronus, but I also inherited my father's height. So even though I'm 15, I'm climbing 6'2.

I found out that Dementors can't be destroyed, it then made sense that spells don't affect me as they should. I am attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this is my 4th year here. After sitting down and being sorted, which took 20 minutes.. The longest in its history. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, I tried to make friends but was to no luck. If I couldn't make friends, what chance would I have at getting a girlfriend? Every girl was scared of me, so I spent most of my time alone. My father would visit every year, although it was through the forbidden forest. I say that I have no friends but that isn't entirely true...

I had made one friend, and she was a girl at that! She didn't seem affected by my aura, she wasn't scared of me. Her name is Ginny Weasley and she's extremely beautiful, and she has a lot of friends. Everyone loves her for some reason, so we became best friends very quickly. It wouldn't be farfetched to say that I quickly gained a crush on her, she's my only friend and I am attached to her. It was a certain time of year... my father would be visiting me. I silently made my way down to the forbidden forest, I bribed Hagrid to ignore me. I entered the forest and someone walked out from behind a tree..

"Ginny?!" I ask in shock. She walked up to me, hands behind her back. "You always come out to the forbidden forest once a year, I was curious.." she smiles. I saw her smile and my fears started flooding into my head, what if she finds out what I am and leaves?.. I then felt her hands on my own, I looked at her. "You seem scared? You're never scared.." she comments. "Is there something you don't want me to find out?" she asks and I nod. "Ginny... you're my best friend... my only friend," I say softly. "But I'm worried that..." I say and she's smiling. "Worried about what?" she tilted her head cutely.

"Once you know my secret, you'll leave me..." I say truthfully. She moved closer to me and kissed me on the cheek, making my face flare up. "I promise I won't leave you~" she smiled. I squeezed her hand tightly, I took a deep breath and lead her into the forest. Our fingers intertwined and Ginny hugged my arm, I blushed even more. "Where are we going?" she asked softly. "To the lake," I say and she hums. As we continued into the forest, Luna clung tightly to me. "You d-don't seem that affected by this.." she says scared. "I make this trip every year.." I say and she nods.

We get to the lake, she's looking around but still clinging to me for dear life.

Ginny POV

"I have to call him.." (Y/N) spoke up. "Call who?" I ask confused. He then walked out of my grasp and I felt alone and scared, he cupped his hands around his mouth. I then heard this inaudible sound come from him, he then walked back to me. I quickly grabbed his hand, "Steel your nerves," he smiled and I nodded. Steel myself for what? I then heard the same sound but come from above us. I looked upwards and saw... a Dementor! It was heading this way! It flew down to us, I grabbed my wand and aimed it. (Y/N) then lowered my hand, "This is what I came to show you.." he said and I nodded.

"Do you trust me?" he asked. I took a second before nodding, he then walked forward and I held his hand even more tightly. I hid behind his back, what's this Dementor doing here? How does (Y/N) know it? How did he know how to call it? "This is my secret Ginny," he spoke and I looked past him to find him touching the Dementor! "Ginny..." he said and looked at me. "I've been lying to you about who...what I really am," he says to my confusion. "What do you mean?" I ask while still being cautious about the Dementor. He looked at the Dementor, the Dementor let out a small cry.

"Hello Dad.." he smiled. Time seemed to stop for me.. no, it can't be true. Can it?.. "My mother is human and this... is my father," he told me. I'm still in disbelief, "I'm doing well, how have you been?" (Y/N) asked. He received another small cry as a response, "You can understand it?" I ask. "No.. I just tell him what happens every year.." he explains. "This is Ginny.. the one I keep telling you about," he says and moves to the side. He's still holding my hand as the Dementor moves in closer to me, I'm scared out of my wits.. A normal person would have used a spell or charm by now, but.. I guess I'm not normal.

It seems to be observing me, "Hello.." I say softly. It screams softly, "Don't scare her now.." (Y/N) says sternly. The Dementor then flies back to (Y/N), they... hug? "See you next year!" (Y/N) smiles and we both wave. We begin walking back to Hogwarts, "So... now you know my secret," he says. "That you're half-Dementor.." I say and he nods. "It explains your height and why you're never around when there's a Patronus casted," I say and he nods again. "I've been among hundreds of Dementors.." he reveals. "They see me as one of their own; they don't attack me," he says to my surprise.

"But being half-Dementor also made it so that there's this aura around me," he says and I nod. I noticed it when we first met, I was instinctively afraid of him.. Although I found out that there was no real reason for me being afraid, he seemed to be nice and kind.. "You scared of me?" he asks. I jump in front of him, "Be scared? Of a cutie like you?" I ask and see him blush. This makes me giggle, "Ginny.." he smiles. "You mean a lot to me," he says and I blush. "You mean a lot to me as well~" I say and smile. He walks towards me, putting his hands on the sides of my face.

"No.. I mean it," he says and I can tell from the look on his face.. "I've been to afraid to tell you how I feel because I was afraid that it would scare you away," he says softly. "Scare me away?" I ask and he nods. I stand on my tip-toes, "Why would it scare me away when I feel the same way?~" I ask and see his face contort into one of surprise. His arms wrap around my small figure, emphasising the difference between us. Our lips connect and I thought his lips would be cold and life-stealing.. but it was the opposite, they're warm and soft. He's so nice and gentle, you wouldn't think him part Dementor...

Harry Potter Characters X Reader  - Ginny x male reader (2025)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.